RED-S & Eating Disorder in Sport Resources
RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport)
Various resources to help your understanding of what RED-S is, why it's important and how disordered eating and under fueling impacts your athletic performance and everyday living

Good for a Girl by Lauren Fleshman​
​Lauren Fleshman shares her personal story as a athlete in collegiate athletics and how overall, "female collegiate athletes routinely fall victim to injury, eating disorders, or mental health struggles as they try to force their way past a natural dip in performance for women of their age"
Allie Ostrander Youtube Channel
An elite runner shares her story with an eating disorder, talks about mental health, getting through tough workouts, and dealing with injuries​
RED-S Recovery Project Podcast
A podcast dedicated to supporting athletes who are experiencing the effects of RED-S, understanding RED-S, and to raise awareness​
A discussion with professional runner, Elise Cranny, about her journey with RED-S
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
What is it and why does it matter

A location dedicated to helping you become the best athlete you can be with helpful resources and educational​
How Professional Runner Elise Cranny Got her Life Back
Elise was suffering from RED-S, but didn't recognize it right away. She rested, ate lots of food, and went on her way to win a national title​
What Maggie Learned as a Collegiate Athlete
Maggie shares her story of how she became a high level runner, dealing with an eating disorder and raising awareness for a non-profit​
The Connection Between Overreaching and Low Energy Availability
The implications of overreaching and LEA in relation to performance​
The Condition that is Silently Sidelining Athletes
Understanding the "Female Athlete Triad" and it's relation to RED-S​
Working with a Changing Female Body to Help Performanc
In a Sports World Built for Men, Lauren Fleshman Educates Females on Working with your Body to Aid Performance
Connection Between Disordered Eating, Exercise Dependence, and Fueling
A recent study done on trail runners discusses the prevalence of under fueling​
A Healthier Climb to the Top: Eating Disorders in Sports
Improving the relationship between sport and athlete​
Information on what RED-S is, performance and health implications, evolution of RED-S, the risk, practical tips for coaches, and treatment​
Instagram Accounts